#1 Header
topBy inserting vendor through accounts help or manually thanks to tooltip, it is possible to propose all default data on vendor register: currency and date, carriage, delivery and packing, country, zone and language, price list if on register it is signed as default price list and not with priority (otherwise if on register the price list type is inserted with priority, the price list from which price has been taken, has to be inserted directly on item lines), customer notes.
The sales job order is inserted automatically if purchase order comes from a document which has sales job order (e.g. planned purchase orders), but it can be inserted by the user through job orders help.
The user can insert our and your reference, initial notes (which can be inserted also with codified notes help), production job order (which has to correspond to an existing job order number for the specified year, if the order is created from the release of planned purchase order, the job order is proposed automatically), requested delivery date and estimated delivery date.
The point of sale is managed only by verticalization regarding distribution chains. In case that a purchase order is created through a goods transfer among point of sales of a same chain, it is possible to view the source point of sale of goods.
The document status is inserted by the user and it is managed in some verticalizations (distribution chains or linked companies) in order to replicate documents from a point of sale to the central system and vice-versa.
After the insertion the order can be:
Printed, when it is printed definitively;
Authorized, when the user authorizes it, it has no implication on Ideale2010, but it is valued as Mobile;
Historicized, when the user historicizes it, it has no implication on Ideale2010;
Cancelled, when the user wants to cancel a document rather than to delete it, the order results as forced executed in all its item lines automatically.
When the order is executed through delivery note documents or invoices, its execution status changes automatically from not executed to partially executed or executed. The user can force the execution of an order that is not totally executed, when the execution is forced, also the execution date can be saved.
In addition there is the possibility to bring in register payments, possible discounts and different goods destinations.
RIBBON BAR: it represents the Form menu, that is the area in which it is possible to perform actions. The list of features is the following:
BuildDate : 05 luglio 2013